Tools to monitore your validator
Special thanks for important parts @p1xel32
Hello friends! I consider it necessary to make a general analysis of useful software which you will need to make the validator always work.
Here I will present how monitoring is performed using 3 utilities:
1st Part - Prometheus
2nd Part - Grafana cloud
3d Part - Node exporter
4th Part - Dashborad setting up
5th Part - Conclusion
Before we start - deploy and connecting to a new server
Update dependencies
Setup Prometheus
1 Create a dedicated user and group for Prometheus on your server
1.2 Download the latest version of Prometheus
1.3 Extract Prometheus
1.4 Change the directory to the extracted directory
1.5 Create some required directories
1.6 Copy the required files
1.7 Create a systemd service file
1.8 Set proper ownership and permission to the Prometheus directory
Setup Grafana Cloud
2 Create account and api keys grafana free service
2.1 Head over to your Grafana Cloud Portal and select Send Metrics on Prometheus. If you scroll above, you should see the section for API Key.
Click on Generate now and create an API Key with the Role MetricsPublisher. Copy the Prometheus config and save it locally. The url and username should be unique for every user. The password in both snippet should be filled with your API key.
2.2 Change prometheus config change url, password and username in config
Change 5 lines by yours (origin_prometheus, url, username, password, job_name exporter targets)
2.3 Run prometheus
Setup Node Exporter
Next, go to the server where your Validator Node is installed and install Node Exporter
3 Download node_exporter
3.2 Extract Node Exporter
3.3 Move the extracted directory to the /etc/prometheus/
3.4 Set proper ownership
3.5 Create a systemd service file
3.6 Run Node exporter
Dashboard setting up
Now go to → dashboard → import dashboard → import your desired dashboard + you can import exporter dashboard with the detailed server info for example 11074.
Also in that dashboard you can add any statistic about your node which was collected by prometheus.
Useful commands:
Check status
Stop prometheus and exporter
That’s all you need to monitor your node - please remember that alerts is really important part as well since need to instantly react on what’s happening on logs. I hope that guide was helpful for you to understand what tools do you need to be aware of your validator health. Enjoy your day!
Last updated